A road map toward Technology Transfer
Aim of the course: to describe the process that leads, within a company, to identify the needs and the drives to innovation. Innovation could be achieved through a process of technology transfer.
The module is divided into 5 lessons describing what is innovation and technology transfer, and furthermore how to analyze, plan and implement technologies. Depicting a comprehensive how-to guide for a candidate technological transfer agent. By means of a rigorous theoretic background, the attendant will be guided in identifying when and where a TT is relevant, in analysing the context, in involving people to make innovation together and to measure results. Frequent examples and case studies will support lectures. Read more.
Course level: Basic
Commitment: 8h study + 1h quiz
Information and skills achieved after ending the course:
Understanding innovation and technology transfer models and processes. Identifying of innovation needs within the industry and the market. Developing skills to analyse the state of the art and to design a path for the solution development.